Monday, April 18, 2011

He knew the whole TIME!
My little man is 14 months old. I have been trying to get him to hold up one finger since before his birthday. Well, he just wasn't getting it. He would just look at me with a blank expression on his face and there was never any sign that he was taking in what I was saying. Yeah right he knew the whole time. Just the other night while bathing in the sink...he busts out the one finger move. I ran to get the camera and told him to do it again. Like a pro! He was just fooling me the whole time I know it! They are just so smart and they listen and take in everything you do and say. I am just wondering what else he knows in the little mind of his... Or should I say baby genius mind! :-) So much love!


  1. You have been through so much lately! You poor thing! My mother is in real estate and she always says in a situation such as yours, be glad, the house was not meant to be and a perfect one will be here soon! Much luck to you! I found you on Bloggy moms and am now a new follower!


  2. Your Newest Follower from Mom Bloggers Club, I look forward to reading your posts about your young family! :-)
    Aprils Lifestyle Show

  3. Visiting from MBC. I'm new to blogging too- started in late Feb. Your blog looks great~ Have fun!

  4. New follower from MBC.Come visit me at

  5. New follower from MBC. Such a cute little guy, and smart for sure! You have a great blog here. Would love to have you visit me at

  6. WOW!!!! I love your blog!!!

    Your newest follower-Lioness

  7. I always wish I could know what is going inside those cute little pumpkin heads. I'm a new follower from MBC.

  8. I love your pictures! They are just precious! Newly following from MBC. Keep up the good work!

    (Of course, I would love a follow back, if'n you want)
